Couples Counselling Blog

Are your kids pushing your buttons?

The Six Kinds of Testing and Manipulation How kids push our buttons! Which ones do your kids do? 1.  Badgering ("Why can't I?, "But how come?," "Why now?,") 2.  Intimidation (yelling, screaming, banging doors, throwing things) 3. Threats ("I'm going to run away from...

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Relationship Survival Strategies for Isolation

1. Get control of your emotions – practice relational mindfulness In times of stress, our emotional systems go into “overdrive.” Coping mechanisms (healthy or otherwise) are amplified by stress and fear. If you were already disconnected before the crisis, it could get...

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Stop Verbal Abuse – The “Time Out” Technique

Whoosh… (The "knee-jerk" automatic response) Stop. Breathe. Think. (The mindful way to deal with the trigger) TIME OUTS The best defense against verbal abuse is a formal time-out. When either partner calls a time-out – by saying the words, “time-out,” by using the “T“...

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The Couples Check-In: How To Fill Your “Love Tank”

Couples Check-In: How to Fill Your "Love Tank" It works best if you do it person but it also works by email, text or phone. Remember to do it every week and watch what happens! 1. Appreciations One recent thing you did or said recently that I appreciated… One recent...

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Online Mindfulness Training

Studies show that couples who practice mindfulness feel more secure and stable in their relationships. Now you can get online mindfulness training in my new 10 week program! The cost is drastically reduced and it's just as effective as one-on-one counselling....

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Are your kids pushing your buttons?

The Six Kinds of Testing and Manipulation How kids push our buttons! Which ones do your kids do? 1.  Badgering ("Why can't I?, "But how come?," "Why now?,") 2.  Intimidation (yelling, screaming, banging doors, throwing things) 3. Threats ("I'm going to run away from...

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